Savannah Rubber
Chocho Lupines
Tree tomato
Native tree with fruits and flowers that serve as food for fauna.
Tree with very striking violet flowers with pollinating functions.
Tree with yellow flowers during almost the whole year.
Ecologically, it works for the regeneration of soils with a high degree of erosion.
The tree helps the conservation of hydrographic basins.
It is typical of humid slopes growing in deep soils with rocky subsoil.
Tree of growth in areas of few nutrients, small fruits and purple flowers.
The juice of its leaves cures fever, the juice of the flower is used for pain.
Important in the restoration of degraded forests or riverbanks.
The caper is one of the most attractive flowering trees in cold climates.
In Colombia the dividivi is mainly found in medium and cold climates.
They are straight-stemmed plants that usually measure between 5 m and 2 m in height.
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